
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Long time no see!

Hello Everyone! It's Cinderstar C : 
And yes, she is very well aware that you must all be furious with her for not being on in SUCH A LONG time!
And as usual I'm REALLY sorry about that : C
But of course you all know that I have a habit of doing this kind of stuff, I mean I've never exactly been the type who could stay committed for long C ;
But any who, i'm back (not forever of course, i'd never make such a useless promise to all of you) for a while...
Yes, yes I know how much more vaguer could I be? Well you see I still go to public school and I still have all that crappy drama, the diabolical teachers and the backstabbing (something that rhymes with Itches) so I can never guarantee my stay! But this year I do have easier classes so the homework load isn't to harsh (like last year when I had almost ALL of my academic classes in one semester ) 
So I do have breaks and when I'm not doing homework, writing, listening to music, drawing, socializing, face-booking, repeatedly checking the fridge, begging my mother for a cellphone or reading I'll try to come onto Cinderstar's blog and post some interesting stuff (:
Until then i'm making a few changes here and there to make the blog more efficient for me and everyone else.
Now before I leave I'll post a few pretty pictures all about fall (since it's my favorite season of the year)

Hope to chat with you guys soon!!!
