
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Green is the new Black

Lately everything has been about going green. Saving the earth and all. And most people agree with this and go along, but some people just don't know what to do!
This post is for all those who need a little tips on how to go green!
1. RECYCLE!!: I'm so sure you've heard this a million times but seriously RECYCLE! It could literally save the planet. Now don't get started with one of those excuses *ooh, i can never seem to find a recycling bin when i need one!* Because I carried around a juice-box FOREVER till I finally found a recycling bin! Everything is possible with some effort!
2.BAG UP SOME GREEN!: Plastic bags aren't good for us or the environment, Do you know how many ways you can kill yourself using a plastic bag!(there's something to search on google..) Plastic-bags are one of the worst types of litter! You can find them on the street, in the ocean and just about Anywhere else!
3.DON'T DRIP OR DROP!: Even though 70 percent of the world is covered by water, we should conserve all that we can. Turn off the water faucet when brushing your teeth.
Use your dishwasher and washing machine only when they are full. Don’t use running water to thaw food.
4.WHY NOT HUG SOME TREES!: Hundreds and Hundreds of Humans continue to cut down trees and only half of them actually try to replant them! Don't use 5 million tissues when you only need one. Re-use the back of you paper. Try some half-sized sponge towels, the clean up the same amount but waste less!
Dry your clothes on the line instead of in the dryer. They will smell better, and you will save money. Use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins. They can be used over and over again and thrown in with your weekly load of towels. Open the doors and windows to let the fresh air in! Indoor air quality is often times worse than the air outside. Open doors and windows daily to circulate fresh air in and germs and smells out.
There you are! 5 easy ways to go green! Even if you only follow two of these tips you'll be helping the world A-LOT!!
So please just try it, Not only will it help the world, it will give you a sense of accomplishment :)


Sandstar said...

way to go!!! going green is the best thing ever!!!! i even recycle to help our planet!! :D

ღ~Cinderstar~ღ said...


abigail viktoria said...


ღ~Cinderstar~ღ said...

XD Tottaly! We could be like the green sisters :p XD

abigail viktoria said...
