
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bloggers Against animal Cruelty

I'm sure all of you have at least once seen those sad TV commercials with those cute animals and felt like crying, then if you ever cross by them again you quickly change the channel so as to not feel sad. But when you are with your friends having fun or crying about how your life sucks do you ever stop to think about all those poor animals feel? What kind of condition their living in? For most of you the honest answer would be "no". Well that's pretty selfish, mean, cruel, devilish and human of you. It's in human nature to be self-absorbed, but even so now you can change that. Bloggers Against Animal Cruelty is an amazing blog dedicated to all those poor animals with no home! So why not go over and take a peek  and maybe even stay a while to read some of their amazing posts, it's worth your time, trust me. Animals are living creatures as well, "The question is not, "Can they reason?" nor, "Can they talk?" but rather, "Can they suffer?" ~Jeremy Bentham"

PS: Techniaclly aren't we all cats? Shouldn't we save ourselves? :)

<3 Cinderstar

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