
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mothers day!!

Oh yes finally the time of year has come!! Mothers day! :)
Lost on ideas? Don't know what to do? Well try using these tips !!

1. I made a button of a sort for my Mommy :)
And i'm going to email the link to her. Along with this as the text :
If you want you can do somthing like this i'm sure your mother would
love it! And if she (like my mom) is used to working with computers she might even
put a use to it!!

The first ones the text of the e-mail and the second the button :)
(BTW: these are both copyrighted, don't take them, I'm sure you mother would prefer somthing actually made by YOU not ME :)

2. A old fashioned home made card is the one of the best gifts of all. It really shows that you took time in making it, even if your mother dosen't reveal much of her emotions (like mine -.-") She'll know that you worked hard on it and it will DEFINETLY make her day. Now even if you lack any artistic capability ( Like if you draw a turtle and some one says "wow, your soccer ball looks demented" then thats you) just take a piece of paper and write down how you feel about her, if you really want a picture in there print it out. Or even make the whole card on the computer (it's really easy to do on microsoft word; they even have templates)

3. If you can't think of a single thing tell you mom! Say somthing along these lines " Happy mothers day mom. Listen I tried really hard but I couldn't think of ANYTHING, i'm so sorry so is there anything special you want? " guarantied your mom will say "no, thank you sweetie" (mom's are annoying like that) if she does just say okay and be SUPER nice to her all day. Before dinner set the table, get her a glass of water instead of her having to get it, make conversation with her every second you get to! She'll be happy! Trust me :)

4. Your last choice should be going to the store and buying somthing especially somthing like jewlery, flowers and such. Although you mean well, your present should be somthign deeper from the heart (although if you by her a 150$ gucci bag im sure she wouldn't be unhappy, well maybe a bit annoyed that you used so much money on her...)

If you have any other tips comment and tell me!! You can even share your mother's day stories if you want! Good luck getting the perfect present!!



abigail viktoria said...

Thats sweet cinderstar!! I got my mom a card =)

ღ~Cinderstar~ღ said...

Cool :)

~Shinestar said...

Hey! heres one idea that you forgot that would make a great gift: Homemade baked goods! Heres a really easy recipe for homemade shortbread cookies:

you'll need:

-1/4 lb of butter
-1/4 cup of blown/white sugar
-1 cup flour

1. soften the butter in the microwave without actually melting it

2. mix the butter and sugar together

3. in another bowl, sift the flour

4. when the flour is sifted, add it slowly a little at a time to the butter-sugar mixture white beating it

5. roll the dough into a log shape and cool it in the fridge for 1-2hrs

6. when the dough is coooled, roll it out and then use cookie cutters to cut shapes from it (i suggest hearts)

7. (optional) if you wish to add sprinkles, make sure to put a tiny bit of milk on each cookie before putting them on

8. heat the oven to 325°-350°F (around 162°-176°celcius) TIP:it is usually a good idea to start heating the oven while rolling out the cookies

9. when the oven is heated to the correct temperature, put the cokies in on a NON GREASED cookie sheet for 12-15 mins (or until lightly brown)

10. serve the cookies to your mother. Im sure she'll be impressedby your cooking skills! ;)

PS. this recipie is for you to use, but it was created by my family (no internet searches ^^) so, if you would like to use it, please make sure to tell your family and friends where you got this recipe. thx :)


~Shinestar said...

PPS. these cookies are also a great christmas treat!!!! :)

abigail viktoria said...

i actually made the card =)

ღ~Cinderstar~ღ said...

Homade cards are the best <3
I'm gonna give my mom he rpresent in a few mins (around 30)
!!! I wonder if she'll like it...