but I'll need to know a few things before I can get started!
What would you like the signature to say?:
What color do you want the text on the signature to be?:
Do you want any pictures on your signature?(I have a heart on mine):What blog is the signature for?:
Do you want any glittery images on the signature?:
Any extra information:
Want a header??
I can make you one!!
just give me the following information:
What blog is it for?:
What should it say?:
How big should it be?:
What color should the text be?:
Should the text be glittery? (if you wanta clear background that is not possible) :
What type of text should it be (fancy, bold, plain etc.):
What should the bachground color/image be?:
Any other specifiques?:
Words: ~Luna~
Color: Blue
Style of text: Kristen ITC (optional)
Pictures: A half moon and tiny stars
Blog: Summer Life http://www.summerliferocks.blogspot.com
Can ~Luna~ be glittering/sparkly
And can the backround color be of a night sky??
~Brightstar/Luna~ Thank you very much!!!
Words: Warriors101
Color: Black
Style of text: Socially Awkward(optional)
Pictures: A heart at the begining and ending
Blog: Out of the Blue
Thank you!
:) Alrightee!! I'm starting those!!!
Words- Silverstar
Color- Light Blue
Style- French Manuscript Fm ( I hope thats it...)
Pic- Heart at the begging
Url- silverstar-brookclan.blogspot.com
Can u do 2?????????
Words- Willowstar
Color- Light Pink
Style- French Manuscript Fm
Pic- A heart at the begging
Url- willowstar-cherryclan.blogspot.com
Thank YOu!
Oh! I Forgot!!!! Can you make them all glittery????
Thanks again!!
What blog is it for?: Summer Life
What should it say?: Summer Life... a blog you will never forget.
How big should it be?: idk... regular header size??
What color should the text be?: rainbow
Should the text be glittery? (if you wanta clear background that is not possible): yes please
What type of text should it be (fancy, bold, plain etc.): Kristen ITC
What should the bachground color/image be?: sandals, a pool, beach, beach ball, and any other summery stuff. and separate them each into their own separate squares please.
Any other specifiques?: Nahh, this is good enough!
What blog is it for?: The Tribe of Rising Echoes
What should it say?: The Tribe of Rising Echoes... let your echo ring out
How big should it be?: Like how big Brightstar's is, but maybe a bit thinner.
What color should the text be?: A pale light blue
Should the text be glittery? (if you wanta clear background that is not possible) : Yes
What type of text should it be (fancy, bold, plain etc.): Harlow Solid Italic
What should the background color/image be?: http://www.computer-wallpaper-backgrounds.com/wallpaper/preview/background-patterns/blue-sky-swirl.jpg
Any other specifics?: No, I think that's great.
What would you like the signature to say?: Alado
What color do you want the text on the signature to be?: curly and sparkly?
Do you want any pictures on your signature?(I have a heart on mine): star?
What blog is the signature for?: Warriors Insider
Do you want any glittery images on the signature?: no thank you, just a black background
Any extra information: nope :)
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