
Friday, April 30, 2010

Sparklestar's button & Shadowflower/Ivynose nav bar details .

Hello! Long time no see, sorry about my inactivity the past little while, I had a HUGE project to do and I wasn't able to come on that often :(  But the project is finally over! (and I think me and shinestar will be getting an A on it! :) so I'm back. Let's move on to buisness, here is sparklestar's button!

I really like this one, i'm sure it will look beautiful on sparklestar's blog!! Now moving on , a few people (Shadowflower and Ivynose) ordered navagation bar buttons for their blog! And I need to know what you want written on these buttons! So please comment and tell me since I want to start making them as soon as possible!!
Thats all for now folks!


Monday, April 26, 2010

Made a new signature !

I got a new signature:) So intead of the "<3 cinderstar" I'll have a actual heart there :) hope you guys like it!!
And in other news I can make signatures!! If you need one then you can come to me!


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bloggers Against animal Cruelty

I'm sure all of you have at least once seen those sad TV commercials with those cute animals and felt like crying, then if you ever cross by them again you quickly change the channel so as to not feel sad. But when you are with your friends having fun or crying about how your life sucks do you ever stop to think about all those poor animals feel? What kind of condition their living in? For most of you the honest answer would be "no". Well that's pretty selfish, mean, cruel, devilish and human of you. It's in human nature to be self-absorbed, but even so now you can change that. Bloggers Against Animal Cruelty is an amazing blog dedicated to all those poor animals with no home! So why not go over and take a peek  and maybe even stay a while to read some of their amazing posts, it's worth your time, trust me. Animals are living creatures as well, "The question is not, "Can they reason?" nor, "Can they talk?" but rather, "Can they suffer?" ~Jeremy Bentham"

PS: Techniaclly aren't we all cats? Shouldn't we save ourselves? :)

<3 Cinderstar

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Brightstar's , Shadowflower's, Berrystar's , Shinestar's and Ivynose's Buttons

Berrystar's Button

Shinestar's Button

Shadowflower's Button

Ivynose's Button

Brightstar's button

Monday, April 19, 2010


Hey! I've been in quite a good mood recently and so I decided that I should make some buttons for my awsome readers :)
Heres the deal the first 5 people to comment get a free button ( and a header or nav bar buttons or a post divider  or side bar titles **pick one**)
If you guys have any specific expectations please mention them in your comments
(and maybe, just maybe advertising my blog would help your chances on getting a little somthing extra? ;)

Freebie calls
~Shinestar; Blog button and post divider
~Sparklestar; Blog button and post divider
~Ivynose  Blog button and navagation bar buttons
~ Berrystar  Blog button and post divider
~ Shadowflower; Blog button and navagation bar
~Icestar Blog button

here are all the freebie calls so far. Anyone who has a question mark on their order needs to be more specific to what they want. **Some people thoguh that by advertising I meant advertising their blog (which I will do if they want me to :) But I actually meant advertising mine !! It's okay if you were mistaken, but please help me advertise my blog anyway!!**

<3 Cinderstar

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The answer to a question you guys might be asking!

Danielle* said...
I have a qeustion..... How exactly do you put the templates on your blog?????

April 18, 2010

Great question!
Well the thing is that you cannot post HTML directly on blogger posts. Infact you have to put the HTML in a text box. Now the problem is that I cannot find the proper HTML to make a text box (it's more confusing than it looks, and thats saying somthing since it looks quite confusing...). Now i've been hoping to ask SOMEONE who is familiar with HTML to give me the code for a text box or even a way to post the HTML without it.. and so far no luck :(
So right now if you wish to use one of my layouts you'll have to ask me to mail the HTML to you :(
I'm quite sorry for the inconvinience, i'll fix this problem as soon as possible :)

< 3 Cinderstar

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Spring Button

It's spring the season of happiness and colors. The season of growth and reunion. It's the season when lover's run to each other in slow motion laughing and glowing. It's the happy season! To make this season even happier why not give someone a flower? Make them smile.
Well you might no be able to give your blogger friends a flower but you can give them this button!


<3 Cinderstar

Friday, April 16, 2010

A new clan name

Here are the post resulst!.......................
 So Gustclan got the most votes!
  0 (0%)
  0 (0%)
  1 (11%)
  2 (22%)
  3 (33%)
  0 (0%)
  1 (11%)
  1 (11%)
Other(post idea in c-box)
  1 (11%)

But I've been getting a few complaints from certain people about how Blizzardclan is a better name. So I've decided to create a new poll with Gustclan and Blizzard clan as options! The poll will last 1 week! Please vote so I can get started on my new clan as soon as possible! :)

<3 Cinderstar

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Go to http://unthink-it.blogspot.com/2010/04/i-desgins-blog-party-may-1st.html#comment-form
It is a AMAZING design blog! When you click on this link it will take you to the Blog party post!
Read it and enter to win AMAZING prises!

<3 Cinderstar

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Space Wars Contest

Hi all! as you may know, im admin on this blog, and its time for me to make my first post! i wantedto puton this pic, because i just thought it was hilarious! So, i thought i'd turn it into a contest. All you have to do is comment with a logo to replace "space wars" and the funniest wins!

<3 Shinestar

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Awsome spring freebies!

ey everybody! I made some awsome buttons for you guys to celebrate spring !
here they are! :)

to use them simply right click on the image and then from the drop down menu select properties there you'll find a huge code after "Adress(URL) "  copy that and then go to your blog. Click edit. On th elayout tab click "add gadget" and select the "picture" and paste the URL you copied before in it! Give it a spiffy title and Voila! Here's your button for everyone to see!

<3 Cinderstar

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Hello! :) I was browsing around Blogger looking at blogs and such and I realised..
Cinderstar's blog has a lack of admins.. :(

Appearantly most blogs have 5 to 6 admins ! Now I don't quite understand this ( How much stuff must their be to do if you need six people to accomplish it !) but still if thats the way it normally is then i'd like to have more admins for Cinderstar's blog !
If you have any intrest in being an admin the please scroll down to the bottom of the page and read the small text box with the ADMIN guide-lines

and then just comment on this post saying "I ______ , agree to follow the admin guidelines. Please make me a admin" or somthing along thouse lines :) It is only nessacary to say that you agree to the rules so we won't have any problems later on !

love you all! <3>

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I am planning to make a new clan (Yay!) . After the end of Vineclan
it took me a bit of time to recover, but now I am ready for a new clan !!
I'm hoping all my friends (old and new) will join it!!
But first there's a teeny problem.. a name !! I cannot think of one (I can think of a 100 but I don't know which on is the best !!)
So I leave the choice up to YOU
pick (or find) me a awesome name!!

**There is a new pole please vote on it to help me decide a name, if you don't like any of the names given vote on "Other" and then write your idea of a good name in the c-box :) please!!**

< 3 Cinderstar